Custom Aftermarket Steel Rollpans
Rollpans are an excellent addition to your truck or SUVโ€™s exterior. These custom body parts create a smooth and custom look to the rear of your vehicle. There are many styles of rollpan to choose from, so before you being your purchase get to know what your dealing with and the options you have available to you to customize your truck.

Some of the more popular and readily available pans are built out of fiberglass. These rollpans are built to be installed with hardware (nuts and bolts) and will show a seam between the bed section (metal) and fiberglass pan. Metal stamped rollpans or fabricated rollpans are built to either be welded or mounted with hardware. Installing a metal pan with a weld offers a seamless look which can really add that sweet custom style your looking for, but keep in mind it is sometimes an issue with customer that do not have a welder and can be more costly due to minor fabrication work and paint. The other option is using hardware with a steel fabricated rollpan which can give you a bit of that custom smooth look without the welding involved. A metal fabricated pan has a slight lip that overlaps each side of the bed section to somewhat hide the seam.

No matter what rollpan you are looking for or are considering purchasing there are some initial steps that will need to be taken to accommodate these custom exterior enhancements. One of the biggest modifications that you will have to make when installing any kind of rollpan is trimming your far rear frame section. This section mounts your factory bumper and must be removed to allow clearance for your new rollpan so be sure to cut this frame section back far enough to clear a straight across rollpan from side to side. A good way to tell if you have trimmed the frame back far enough is to take a string line holding one end at each side of the lower bed panel sliding it up and down to see if any part of the newly trimmed frame catches the string. Once you have this done then the hard part is over, to wrap everything up be sure to wire you license plate light and mount the pan.

For instructions on rollpan installation please visit our install documents on each of the rollpan products under the โ€œDOCUMENTS (INSTALLATION)  tab.

Custom Steel Rollpans

Steel Smooth RollPan Installation Documentation / Welding / Fabrication / Body Filler / Paint